Overcoming the Odds

Overcoming Odds In this episode, Bret Tkacs chats with Patreon supporter Jose Real (retired, disabled U.S. Army) who broke his back while serving his country and was informed he may not ever walk again.  In response, Jose worked through his depression and learned how to do things differently.  Despite weakness in his left leg and…

Foreign Travel

Critical Skills for International Travel Patreon supporter Mark Wallace is a world-renowned photographer / video blogger and has been traveling the globe since 2014.  Bret and Mark discuss their top requisite skills for international travelers, however this information is equally useful to anyone riding a motorcycle on public roads in your own neighborhood. Check out…

Controlling Fear

Controlling Fear Bret’s first “Around the Wheel” podcast features a discussion between Bret and Patreon supporter Professor John DeCarlo, a professional educator, veteran flight instructor, former police chief and ADV motorcyclist.  Listen to an excellent discussion on learning theories and how to harness the fears of riding such as riding in sand, gravel, mud and…