Severe ADV terrain

Are You Miscalculating your ADV Skills?

Are you Miscalculating your adv skills? Paul Solomonson, dueling counterpart in the recent video “Mosko Moto vs Lone Rider“, talks with Bret about rating yourself as an ADV rider and some of the common ways riders miscalculate their skill level. Paul Solomonson works with Bret across the United States in teaching ADV training classes.  He…

Is Motorcycle Safety Training a Myth?

Does Motorcycle Training Create Safer Riders? Does motorcycle safety training really teach what it’s intended to teach?  In this episode, Bret Tkacs speaks with Chris Johnson, owner of Washington Motorist Safety Training, about whether motorcycle safety education is real or a myth.  Does training actually make safer riders?  Enjoy this dynamic podcast where two energetic…