Which is the perfect motorcycle? Bret uses a detailed process to select the right motorcycle for himself. It all comes down to what you need the motorcycle to do – Touring? Off-road? Commuting? Traveling internationally? Performance? The right motorcycle can change based on where you are and what you are doing.
Bret has traveled through 49 countries, most of them by motorcycle, and with very few overpayments, bribes, or harassment. He discusses the following points that he has learned from his extensive travel, and through his mentor, Miguel. Topics discussed in this episode are: 1) How to address and use fixers/helpers, 2) Attitude, 3) Professionalism.
Unfortunately, crashes are a significant reality for motorcyclists. The good news is most crashes are our fault. In Washington, 75% of fatalities were riders in a curve, with no other vehicles involved, which means they had complete control over the situation. For off-road riders, nearly all crashes are caused by the rider. Topics discussed in…
Riding Weightless on Your Loaded ADV Bike The truth is, riding an adventure bike off-pavement uses similar techniques as riding a dirt bike on a technical trail. The biggest difference is that adventure bikes don’t crash like dirt bikes, and the risk of injury and damage from crashing on an adventure bike is far greater…
Scenario “Suddenly, my rear wheel began a slight fishtail in the loose gravel road and I calmly increased the throttle in response. Past experiences had always quickly straightened out, but today the oscillations rapidly moved to the handlebars.